Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Science museum analysis

 The questioning of who the curator is trying to target seems to a recurring thought of mine when reading this article. Art can be arbitrary; there are so many different forms of art. When incorporating science with art, like science museums, curators should identify its target audience and figure out  different ways better convey their message.

According to the article, Science is correct. “It promised to solve problems and answer questions definitively. Science, after all, differentiated from philosophy and religion precisely because it ended debates rather than stimulating them.” Science museums try to display artifacts that support theories that has already been proven accurate. Although religious people might not believe in evolution, if it is a proven idea museums should display it.

      Museums first started with relics and the idea of museums not including certain religious attributes to museums might seem appalling. In my opinion, the idea of religious people not getting insulted or feeling underrepresented in museums are close to never. However, members of the museum's team/panel should have deep discussions about the sacrifices they need to take to motivate their target audience to educate and appreciate art.

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