Saturday, May 6, 2017

A way of seeing analysis

In The museum as a way of seeing article, Svetlana Alpers brings light to the controversial roles museums are responsible for. Alpers also explains the theory of “ The museum effect”,that says, museums are “turning all objects into works of art”.
What seems to be one of the problems in this article is distinguishing whether the museum's curator is trying to bring conscious attention to the craft visibility or inform us of the culture. Alpers also explained how tedious it is to be a curator of a museum. The article explained how curators  can impact the way we identify the roles museums play in society as a whole.
Museums are responsible to play  many roles in society, from providing factual documents/ artifacts for the better understanding of humanity, allows us to appreciate the ordinary beauties of the nature in a larger and  more detailed scale, to inform us about our culture/history or to create experiences/memories ;like the unforgettable crab she saw. The important role of a curator can expose or hide the biases museum are trying to show.
Alpers used examples, such as, the Musee d'Orsay museum’s curator in a specific exhibit. She explained how their curator made conscious decisions to display certain visual interest in specific spots. Even from what art they placed in front of another to distract a certain visual interest.The controversy of what biases museums support can vary but it solely relies on what the viewer interpretation is that truly matters.
Whether the viewer visits the Musee d'Orsay museum website because they read the impact Cézanne’s art had or because they saw one of his portraits a museum shouldn't matter. Whether it was the art being seen at the museum or  knowledge of the art that triggered the viewer to want to know more shouldn't matter, but the fact that the cuturiotr placement encouraged one to engage in the art deeper.
The problems of what roles museums play, whether religion,technology,and  theories like evolution,should be incorporated can never be solved because they vary from viewer to viewer.  There is no wrong or right answer to display art, however if i was to be a curator in a museum near me I my main focus would be to make my view feel.

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